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How to score the best in CA exam

How CA Students Can Get the Best out of their classes and Score Good Marks In ICAI CA Exams

Here are my thoughts on how you can extract maximum value from your classes:

  • Watch your classes attentively.

  • Avoid distractions.

  • Create a study-conducive environment.

  • Keep your mobile out of site.

  • Find silent hours according to your personal conditions. Some might find silence at their place early morning, or some will find it in the daytime or extreme night hours. Online classes give you the freedom to adjust your studies according to variables that are not in your control.

  • Always have a bottle of water with you and keep sipping; it will surely keep you attentive and hydrated. You can also have black coffee in the initial sessions of the day, and green tea without caffeine in the session after half a day is passed.

  • Plan your classes properly.

For instance, if you are covering CA foundation accounts Classes, they total 120 hours. Add a 10 to 15% buffer, let's say 15 hours. So the total hours equals 135 hours. decide on a study strategy.

Consider whether you will be tackling one subject a day or two or three subjects a day.

For example, if you are going for only one subject a day and you are planning to study 8 to 10 hours a day, the above subject can be completed in 15 to 17 days easily. Now, let's say you are planning to study two subjects every day and I am assuming you will be dedicating approximately 5 hours daily to audit, then you can complete it in 27 to 30 days.

  •  Engage

During the classes, try to engage as much as possible with your teacher. I know most of you watch recordings of classes, but you can still try to answer the questions that are being asked by the teacher as if you are attending a live class.

  • Marking

Mark important and tricky points/questions while going through the classes. Our goal should be to watch the classes only once and then always revise from our own notes and markings. This will save a lot of time.

  • Short notes

Make short notes according to the style you followed earlier in your other exams. You can have a dedicated notebook for the same or you can simply note it down on the printed material given by the faculty, or paste blank pages or slips in between and make notes on them. Be yourself, follow what suits you best, don’t copy.

  •  Do questions

Questions help in cementing the concepts learned. During and after class, try to answer as many questions as possible on the topics covered in the class. It will help you understand the requirements of the ICAI for a particular topic.

  •  Revision of classes

Revise after every class, make short notes, create voice notes, read, and act as if you are teaching the topic to someone else. Take help from already uploaded revision videos and marathons. Revise the last class before the next one for sure.

  •  Clear your doubts

Ask your teachers questions and get them resolved within the classes themselves. Do not let them remain pending for long.

  •  Chapter-wise mocks

Give chapter-wise mock tests after the completion of every chapter. Let it be a self-evaluated one. Give a question bank to your friends and family and let them choose random questions for you to answer then and there.

  • Proper log and review

You must keep a proper log of classes, noting how much is done, how much is left, and by when you will be able to complete your classes.

  • Don't over-discuss or fight

It generally happens when you and your friends have taken classes from different faculties. It is of no use. Just keep calm and follow the ICAI for the exam.

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